
Bad Blood Hard Speedrun Beginner Version

Feb 24th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Bad Blood Hard Speedrun Beginner Version
  2. Author: MCMaximilian
  3. Help: IsaacXD22, ZombiesSlayer, prplx, zReaper
  5. * Main Strat
  6. Round 1-4: Do same as 05 Strat. Co2 and Co3 do slime when r3 and r4( w3 ).
  8. Round 5: Open man and lib. Get Shotgun and go to Lib-Corner. When Lib-Corner one player do l6, one player l5, others go to front( l4, l3, l2, l1 ).
  10. Round 6: Do same as 19:25 strat( r11-18 ) 1 cy, 1 man, 1 leg-lib, 1 sg-lib.
  12. Round 7-9: Do 2cy-2man strat.( Dont need to roll chest )
  13. - 1 Person stays on mansion-corner. Kill m2 then m1.
  14. - 1 Person do m3 window then help m1( if u can do m1 WS )
  15. - 1 Person do co1 + co4( Dont spawn Lib )
  16. - 1 Person do co3 + co2( Dont Spawn Lib )
  18. Round 10-17: Same as 19:05.
  20. Round 18:
  21. p1: ws m2 and kill entire cy.
  22. p2: turn on switch and kill Clarence.
  23. p3; Do entire library( l1-l6 )
  24. p4: ws m1 at dungeon( next of d2 ) and kill entire dungeon.
  26. Round 19:
  27. p1: If you can ws cr1 + cr2 and kill entire cy.
  28. p2: Rush to gy( by bal-crypts door ) and rush to non-gy-spawn SLA in dungeon. ( -31.7, 67, -18.7 )
  29. p3: w1-2 do entire dungeon and get eh 3. When w3 back to Library and do entire library.
  30. p4: Rush to gy( by dungeon-crypts door ) and rush to non-gy-spawn SLA in dungeon. ( -31.7, 67, -18.7 )
  32. Round 20:
  33. p1 stays bal-crypts area and kill mobs asap. ( Should be cs door closed )
  34. p2: Wither Rush to gh.
  35. p3: Stays in Lib-Dungeon Spot.
  36. p4: Wither Rush to gh.
  38. Round 21-25, 27-29: Do lib-corner. One player lib-corner, other 3 people sb.
  40. p1, p3 doesnt have ultimated gun so switch with balcony-rush and get ultiamte during non-hbm-round.
  42. (a) Non HBM Round: 21-23, 25, 28
  43. - One player stands on lib-corner and do l5, l6, b1, gh1
  44. - Three Players in SB do 1 man , 2 dun.
  45. (1) Man player ws m1 and kill l4 + l3 + l2 + l1
  46. (2) Two Dun Player starts at SB-SLA Pos when w1-2 and rush to dungeon.
  47. (3) Two Dun Player starts at ( -32.5, 73, -46.5 ) when w3 and rush to dungeon.
  48. (b) HBM Round: 24, 27, 29
  49. - One player stands on lib-corner and do l5, l6, b1, gh1
  50. - Three players in sb and do 1 man, 2 dun
  51. (1) both dungeon players start in sb window( SLA pos ) all waves(kill hbms if theyre in the way but dont turn around to help the
  52. mansion player), one dungeon player shoot l3 then rush dungeon, one dungeon player shoot the HBM beside shotgun and then rush
  53. dungeon.
  54. (2) Mansion player do ws ( -39.5 , -1 ) and kill entire HBMs and kill 4 + l2 + l1( m1 will not spawn )
  55. (3) When r29 last wave, one dun player rush to crypts and agro to get wrath.
  57. Round 26: All go to Team-Machine Corner and do Wrath when 36.1-36.2sec.
  58. - One player should ws cs when 32s-38s.
  59. - One person open crypts-mansion door at r26 start
  61. Round 30: Do Same as 05 Speedrun. But Crypts player must back when w2( need DPS, dont get w2 agro at crypts just DPS to herobrine ). And if dps is low, use cs-ledge for safe.
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